Anxiety is Your Friend, Not Your Enemy
Unpacking ADHD Myths: Debunking Common Misconceptions Around ADHD
Dear Men: A Therapist's Reflections on Mental Health problems
The Body's Silent Memory: Healing Trauma Through Gestalt Therapy
On Authenticity
Gestalt Therapy and Autism: A Symbiotic Relationship
Breaking the Stigma: Why Therapy is for Everyone
Finding Balance: A Practical Exercise for Overwhelmed Parents
Embracing Balance: Navigating Stress through the Gestalt Lens
The Choice We've Made: Greed Over Health in Malta
How Parents/Educators can use chatGPT to assist their children/students
5 Simple Self-Care Tips for Better Mental Health: How Gestalt Therapy Can Help You Get There
The Pros and Cons of Online Therapy: Is it Right for You?
Breaking the Mold: Gestalt Therapy's Unique Approach to Mental Health
Let's Talk about AI & Human Development